Locked Yourself Out? Here are the 10 Things You Can Do To Get Back In

The chances are quite high that at least once in your adult life you will lock yourself out of the house. Gaining access to your home when the front door shuts can turn out to be a near-impossible feat. Below are tips on what to do when locked out of house.

  1. Use A Credit Card
Credit: Pixabay

Using a credit card will work if the lock in question is a spring lock. The technique does not work on deadbolt locks. Use your credit card or any plastic card, for that matter, to open the door. Wedge the card between the door and the frame and bend it away from the knob. This should open the door.

  1. Use A Bump Key
Credit: Pixabay

A bump key is identified by lack of ridges on its side. This key is used to unlock pin based locking systems. A majority of homes have these pin lock systems that are spring loaded. Inserting the bump key into the lock results in pressure being exerted on the pins, which then unlocks the door.

  1. Remove the Hinges
Credit: Pixabay

If a door opens outward, then you could opt to remove the hinges of the door. Insert a flat-head screwdriver between the bottom knuckle and the pin of the hinge. Nudge the screwdriver upwards and remove the bolt once it is loose enough. Once you have removed all pins of the hinges, remove the door from the frame.

  1. Bump A Lock
Credit: Pixabay

Bumping a lock refers to the act of inserting a key into the lock and then shaking the key till you’ve triggered the lock and the door opens. The force generated should be strong enough to trigger the lock. The bump key looks similar to the original key with the only exception being that its teeth have been filed down.

  1. Use A Screwdriver
Credit: Pixabay

A screwdriver is used together with a pin. Straighten out the bobby pin and insert the bumpy side of the pin into the keyhole. Insert the tip of a flat-head screwdriver into the keyhole under the pin. Move the pin up and down, in and out as you try out different angles to unlatch your door.

  1. Break the Lock with A Hammer
Credit: Pixabay

If all else fails, break the lock. A hammer or a rock repeatedly banged against the door lock will result in the mechanism falling apart and the door opening.

  1. Using Brute Force
Source: Pixabay

This option can also be applied in times of emergencies. The force can be applied using a battering ram or by kicking in the door.

  1. Unbolt the Doorknob
Source: Pixabay

To unbolt a doorknob, you will first need to identify the screws that hold the knob against the door. Unscrew them and remove the knob to identify the locking mechanism behind the knob. Using a screwdriver, turn the latch of the lock from within. This should be enough to open your door.

  1. Use a Hex Wrench
Source: Pixabay

A hex wrench is an L shaped piece of metal that comes in a variety of widths. Fix the wrench into the hole of the door handle and once fitted turn the handle of the door. This should not be an exercise that requires a lot of force.

  1. Call A Locksmith
Source: Pixabay

This is inevitable when all attempts to get back into your home have failed. At this juncture, go to your phonebook and call in a professional locksmith.

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