4 Best Methods to Keep Your Home Safe

It is always a good idea to keep your home as safe as possible, but this takes on a greater significance when you have a child. As hard as you try, you cannot always be watching your kids 24 hours a day. It can only take a mere second for an accident to happen.

If you catch it, then you can do something about it. Sometimes, something can happen when your back is turned and you may never know what occurred, such as swallowing a pill. Let’s take a look at how to create a safer home environment to help keep your kids safe.

1. Falls

All kids will fall. Most of the time, after a little cry, the child gets over it. It is part of growing up. The thing to do is to make sure the fall is not as a result of something that could have been prevented. Sometimes, carelessness can result in a dangerous fall.

While falling or tripping due to a child’s instability and balance is one thing, a child falling down the stairs is not a normal situation. Make sure that staircases, both up and down have some kind of barrier to prevent this. Be more diligent when your floors are wet. Make sure toys aren’t everywhere that can cause a fall. Keep the bathroom secure.

2. CO Poisoning

CO or carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas. It is almost impossible to know if there is a leak. Inhaling this can cause headaches, dizziness, vomiting and if it goes on long enough, death. You cannot smell it if there was a leak of it in your home. It is important for you and your family that proper home maintenance is performed.

Only by installing a carbon monoxide detector can you remain safe. Make sure that the batteries are always good. Even if they are, it costs very little to replace them regularly so that the power is always reliable.

3. Poisoning

Kids may look at some of the attractive colours of chemicals you keep in the house and be tempted to ‘see what the juice tastes like’. They may see medication and put the piece of ‘candy’ in their mouth. They must never have access to it. Accidents occur, but always be 100 per cent sure that it is kept away from their reach. Never be distracted enough to let down your guard. Make sure it cannot be reached. If it is kept in a lower place, make sure it is locked.

4. Drowning

While drowning can occur outside, it can also occur in a bathtub. Rather disturbingly, such occurrences have risen. Never leave a bathing child unattended. While nobody will generally do this, things can happen. You may be expecting an important call or someone may knock on your door. This could cause you to leave for a few seconds. In this time, a dangerous situation could arise.

Make sure to keep long cords out of the way to avoid accidental strangulation. Plastic bags too should be kept away so suffocation cannot occur. A gust of wind could blow down a plastic bag. Help keep your family and yourself as safe as possible by eliminating hazardous threats.

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