8 Outdoor Deck Lighting Ideas to Make Your Home Stand Out

An outdoor deck can often be considered to be the centrepiece of your home’s backyard. Along with a plethora of activities that can be done here, a deck can also be reconfigured accordingly. Your personality is a key factor, when determining areas such as spacing or lighting. In regards to the latter, this can amplify your deck experience tenfold.

There are a number of circumstances that may influence how you organize your deck lighting. Some can be more intimate, while others may spark a more thematic feeling. Whatever the case, there are a number of lighting arrangements that have you covered. Try out these eight outdoor deck lighting ideas for your home:

Idea #1: String Lighting

String lighting is one of the best outdoor deck lighting ideas to make your house stand out. The best part about string lighting is that it doesn’t hinge on just one season of the year. If you have a tree in your backyard, you can wire the lighting around it. This will help to cast light over your deck, no matter what the time of the year is. For example, summer seasons can have more incandescent lighting, to complement the evening after hours.

Or, during the winter months, string lighting can have coloured-based bulbs. For those who celebrate the holiday season, a lighting arrangement of this type also matches the overall theme. As long as you have a lengthy-string arrangement, your deck can be lit up in a very fun way all year!

Idea #2: Stair Lighting

For a more thematic expression of lighting, try to install some small lights on your deck’s stairs. The very subtle illumination that radiates from these fixtures sparks a feeling of safety. These lighting ideas work well with a variety of outdoor decks, adding ambiance to any type of environment. In addition, this also makes your deck more secure after dark, warding off any potential intrusions.

Idea #3: In-Floor Lighing

This variation of lighting is similar to stair lights, with respect to how it is installed. With the right distance between each light, your deck’s floor can be brightened in a very intimate manner. An important tip to consider here, however, is the voltage. You don’t want your deck’s floor to be so thoroughly bright, that it impedes on the desired feeling.

To be as creative as possible, make sure you install your in-floor lights in specific areas of the deck. Place them in the corners, or near the steps. You can also install a couple near your focal seating arrangement as well. The more methodical you get with the in-floor lighting option, the better your overall experience will be.

Idea #4: Solar Lighting

When designing a lighting blueprint, you may also want to consider your utility costs. To save on electricity, why not go the route of solar lighting? A well-placed solar lighting fixture can illuminate your deck, while getting rid of the nuisance of wiring.

No matter which way you choose to go, the consensus here is clear. Lighting on your deck can greatly enhance your outdoor experience, for a variety of circumstances. Just be sure to take into consideration how your deck is designed. As always, don’t be afraid to try different options for special themes!

Idea #5: Recessed Lighting

Some of us may choose to construct a deck that has overhead shielding or protection. Even though this may guard you from the sun’s rays during the day, nighttime is a different story. As such, it is a prime destination to install some overhead lighting, to supplement your deck’s theme.

One of the best parts of recessed lighting is that it doesn’t require a lot of maintenance. Since they are installed in a certain way, they are isolated from inclement weather. In addition, they do not need periodic cleaning either. Get yourself a porch swing to go underneath it, and you’ll be spending more time on your deck than initially expected!

Idea #6: Rail Deck Lighting

Your deck’s rail does not need to be seen as just a rail. In fact, this may be a prime spot to install some truly creative lighting arrangements. Underneath the rail deck is a great area to place some LED-powered lights, to create a subtle glow. This enhances the deck’s overall aesthetic, and is not overpowering for evening gatherings.

Idea #7: Spotlights

Sometimes, less is more. This is particularly true when it comes to hanging a spotlight over your deck table, for example. If your deck activities largely focus on one area, a single lighting option may be the best choice. Use a spotlight to liven up this location, so that you are able to fully enjoy your dining during the evening.

Idea #8: Lanterns

For a truly, unorthodox lighting option, going old school may be your best bet. Lanterns are an excellent option to recreate a simple, outdoor experience. Plus, they are relatively inexpensive, and do not require highly-priced bulb options. The portability of this lighting option may also work in your favour. Place them in different areas, to find your favourite spot on the deck!

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