What Causes Termites in Homes?

Bugs in one’s home are a cause for sore eyes. The mere sight of a gnarly insect can make one’s skin crawl, depending on how big the insect is. Some insects are also much more of a nuisance, as they have a better sense of longevity. Cockroaches are one example that comes to mind, as they can be infuriating to get rid of.

Another example of infuriation comes in the form of termites. As you would expect, these bugs are incredibly challenging to eliminate. They can be challenging to locate, but removing their presence requires an intuitive approach. Naturally, you will need to get to the bottom of why they are in your home.

Use these tips to both find them and eliminate them.

1. Home Vulnerabilities

Termites are likely to take advantage of certain aspects of a home. For example, termites will likely find a way in if there are gaps in your home’s drywall. Or, if there is a pipe inside or outside the home that leaks, termites will use it to enter your home. Your best bet is to find and patch these vulnerabilities immediately.

If these structural weaknesses are left to rot, you will see an increase in termites. Sometimes, these vulnerabilities can be fixed by yourself. At other times, such as in the case of a leaky pipe, you may need a professional to patch it up. Gauge it accordingly, and you can then focus on using pest control methods against the in-house termites.

2. Wood

A foundational part of any person’s humble abode is wood. Wood can be used to build the actual foundation of the home or be used when installing flooring. Some forms of hardwood flooring are created with quality materials to last a lifetime. However, that does not mean it can be impervious to external factors.

Over time, you may see wear and tear on the material. Once it weakens enough, termites may try to use it as an entry point to your home. They may even try to make it a nest if the wood has deteriorated enough! Always inspect your home’s wood and determine if it needs to be replaced.

3. Water

As mentioned, a leaky pipe can be the front-and-centre means of termites accessing your home. That is because, like many insects, termites grow in still-water areas. Perhaps puddles near your backyard or in your garage haven’t dried up yet.

If left alone, you may see an increase in termites being around. So, look around your premises and locate any puddles of still water that are present. Clean these up as soon as possible to eliminate the chance of termites growing in numbers. You may have to use other extermination methods if the termites have already entered your home.

4. Plants And Shrubs

Homeowners who have a garden to tend to will know just how time-consuming the process is. However, it could also be seen as a means to decompress and engage in a soothing activity. What is not as soothing is having the garden grow to a substantial size, with some plants becoming hard to manage.

Compounding that potential issue is that termites may also take advantage of overgrown plants. Shrubs that happen to be near your home’s entry points may be home to the termites themselves. In this regard, try to keep your garden, or other plants, in good condition. That way, you decrease the chance of those pesky insects becoming an issue.

5. Adjust For Climate

While there is nothing much you can do regarding changing your home’s location, tweaks can be made. Regarding the overall climate, moisture and humidity are a termite’s best friends. These two conditions make it more likely for certain aspects of your home to be weakened.

The hardwood is a prime suspect, which could set your home up for a termite invasion. As a result, try to make the necessary adjustments to account for this type of climate. Mitigate the potential for humidity to be a present factor in your home, and you will see a reduction in termites.

6. Professional Exterminator

If all else fails and you need a more comprehensive solution, help always stands by. A professional exterminator service can eliminate all types of insects in your home. It will cost more than expected, but you are much better off using them in the long run. Then, you will not have to worry about those pesky termites for the long term!

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