5 Benefits of Air Valves in Piping Systems

An air valve is a piece of equipment that either releases air from a liquid piping system or admits it into a liquid piping system, as necessary. A variety of different valves exist, and each has a different function which solves an air flow issue in the system. Air valves are not generally interchangeable. It is important to select and install the correct one based on the air management needs of the system in question.

The three basic types of air valves are air release valves, vacuum valves, and combination valves – although there are a wide variety of valves that fit into those categories. Without air valves, serious damage and problems with flow can occur in the pipeline as a result of built up or insufficient air.

1. Decrease pipe damage caused by air pockets

When air gets into a pipeline, either at the entrance, exit, or by being released from the liquid in the pipeline, it becomes trapped. This air or gas then tends to rise to the high points of the pipeline, where it is stuck until it can be released.

However, without an air valve, the air cannot become released very easily, and thus creates increased pressure that can cause damage to the pipes. Strategically placed air valves release air at those points when the pressure hits a certain level. This ensures that pressurized air doesn’t cause damage to the system.

2. Reduce the chances of water hammer

Sometimes, the air that has become trapped in the high points of a pipeline can come dislodged without the assistance of an air valve, however this is not ideal, and shouldn’t be relied upon as an option as it can cause serious damage to the pipeline.

When this sudden release of air happens in a pipeline, it causes an effect called water hammer. Water hammer is essentially a pressure surge, which can cause severe distress on the pipes. Air valves help to avoid these surges, lowering the amount of pressure put on the entire pipeline system.

3. Reduce head loss

Another negative result of air pockets in a pipeline is head loss. Head loss is defined as the dissipation of energy as a result of friction. In a pipeline, this friction is caused by the air pockets.

Essentially, the air pockets reduce the flow of the liquid significantly, creating more friction in the system and requiring increased amounts of energy to pump the liquid through the pipeline. Air valves can release those pockets of air, reducing the friction and significantly decreasing the amount of head loss that occurs.

4. Prevent vacuum conditions

Vacuum conditions occur when a pipe is drained. When water is released from the pipe, air needs to be admitted into the pipe to take up the space that has just been emptied. However, if there is not enough air being brought into the pipe to fill that space, a vacuum occurs.

Basically, a severe suction effect is created which can ultimately cause severe damage to the pipe, and can cause it to collapse. In order to prevent vacuum conditions, air valves are used to admit air into the pipeline to ensure that there is enough air to hold the place of the water once it has been drained.

5. Reduce maintenance

One of the biggest benefits of air valves is that they help to significantly reduce the amount of maintenance on a pipeline. Air valves themselves are self-sufficient, and do not require frequent maintenance. In addition, all of the benefits they bring to the pipeline allow for it to run more smoothly which saves on money, resources, and manpower.

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