5 Liquid Waste Disposal Methods in Your Home

Liquid waste disposal is becoming an increasingly difficult problem for most municipalities in North America. Some of it is our fault, some of it is the fault of commercial enterprises. That said, it isn’t too late to attack the problem right now.

There are certain types of liquid waste that cannot be discarded into the sink or drainage as this could result in a blockage of the drains. Also, certain liquid wastes can be harmful to the environment and marine life. When toxic waste is flushed down the regular sink, it can contaminate the water supply, giving waste management companies a difficult time cleaning this water.

It is vital that all individuals and households know how to dispose of liquid waste properly.

Here are five tips for liquid waste disposal in your home:

1. Don’t Just Pour Waste Down the Drain

Whenever you have liquid waste, do not rush to the sink.

Residual toxic solvents like alcohol, phenol, petroleum, paint thinners or corrosive liquids are not supposed to be thrown down the sink as they are harmful to the environment – they can also damage your drainage pipes, leading to blockages and leaks.

Another thing that many people don’t realize is that you should not pour the solvent and toxic liquids into the soil. Eventually, these liquids will find their way into the rivers and streams, leading to damage to agriculture, killing pets and harming marine life.

2. Try to Use Absorbent Materials for Spills

How do you manage spills?

If you spill a toxic solvent in the home, you have to make sure that it doesn’t find its way into the drains. Thus, you should quickly use absorbent clothing, sawdust or paper towel to soak up the toxic solvent. Sawdust is excellent to clean up grease and oil spills. These items should then be put in a garbage bag separately from the home garbage.

3. Clean Any Liquid Waste Spills Immediately

Simply put: clean any spills right away!

The important thing to note is that all oil and solvent spills need to be cleaned up right away otherwise they will permeate into the soil and ground. Also, children and pets may come into contact with these liquids and develop allergies or toxicity after contact.

4. Utilize Waste Management Companies

Today there are many waste management companies who pick up toxic or hazardous liquid waste and dispose of it properly. If you have left-over paint thinner, oil, grease or petroleum products, you can call one of these companies to pick up the waste. If the quantity is small, you may take them in a container to the depot for safe disposal.

5. Purchase Special Liquid Containers for Your Home

If you are regularly using or working with petroleum products and solvents, then it is important that you invest in special liquid containers to store these solvents. The majority of oil and petroleum products cannot be safely stored in regular containers as they can leak and contaminate your home.

Indeed, you should regularly use special containers as they hold the liquid for a long period without leaking.

Plus, these containers are small enough so that you can transport them to a waste management depot. Label the container properly as this will prevent accidental contact or even ingestion.

Liquid waste disposal is costing municipalities billions of dollars. That money could be better used in your pocket to pay down the budget deficit. But you can be a part of the solution.

Finally, educate your family about the hazards of liquid waste and importance of proper disposal. This is the key to preventing accidents or any unforeseen incident with liquid waste that can be harmful. And then, as time goes by, your children will teach their children about the proper procedures for liquid waste disposal.

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