5 Signs You Need a New Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner plays a very important role in your home. From blowing dust to sucking minute debris and food crumbs, a vacuum cleaner keeps your home clean. While it is possible to extend its life by having it fixed or replacing certain faulty parts, there comes a time when the only viable option is to buy a new one.

Before finally giving up the ghost, there are a number of telltale signals from your vacuum cleaner that it needs to be replaced.

Rather than wait for it to conk out, why not read the signs and buy a new Miele vacuum cleaner instead. Here are some of the signs you should be on the lookout for.

1. Strange Noises

No. You do not have ghosts in your home. What you hear is the sound of your vacuum cleaner crying for retirement. It could be a high-pitched squeaking or a whistling sound, or even a loud roaring sound. All these sounds are early warning signs that the motor of your vacuum cleaner is about to grind to a halt. While a technician may be able to repair it, eventually you will have to replace it.

Never ignore any strange noise you hear coming from your vacuum cleaner. If it’s not the quiet humming of your device working as it should, it is an early warning that all is not well with your device. Consider replacing it as soon as possible.

2. It No Longer Sucks

When your vacuum cleaner can no longer suck, check your hose to see if it is clogged. If it is not clogged, and it still won’t suck, this is an indication of damage to some of the vacuum properties of your machine. By the time you get to this point, you should seriously consider replacing the vacuum cleaner with a brand new one.

3. Burning Smell

Any burning smell from your vacuum cleaner is bad news. If you notice what smells like burning plastic, you have a serious problem on your hands. In fact, your vacuum cleaner will turn itself off soon after the burning smell, which could be emanating from a jammed rotor or from the wheels. Check the underbelly of your device to see if there are long hairs trapped under it that could be preventing it from turning. Remove the entangled hair. Your vacuum cleaner should work now. If you still notice the burning smell, your vacuum cleaner is dead. Unplug it and get a replacement.

4. Wrong Type of Vacuum Cleaner

Your old vacuum cleaner may not be equipped to handle fluffy rugs or a deep pile carpet. It may have worked well at your former home, but it will not be of much help in your new home. Different types of vacuum cleaners lend themselves to different intensity of tasks. For thicker carpets and fluffy rugs, you will need a stronger device.

If you have recently moved to a new home with a deep pile carpet or fluffy rugs, your small, inexpensive vacuum may not be strong enough to handle the load. You will need a heavy-duty one for the task.

5. Blocked Filters

Vacuum filters need to be replaced regularly. However, if you recently changed your filters but you are still having issues, it’s time to get a new one.

Your vacuum cleaner communicates in subtle and sometimes not-too-subtle ways. When you encounter any of the signs listed above, your device is simply warning you that it is about time you retired it. You may try to patch it up, remove hair wrapped around its components and causing it to jam, or even replace some of the components such as a blocked filter, but once it’s time to send it home, replace it with a new one.

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