5 Summer Landscaping Tips for a Beautiful Lawn

Summertime, when the living is easy, is also the time for landscaping. After months of having your lawn buried under multiple feet of snow and months of drowning under water, you now have mother nature cooperating with your landscaping needs. Isn’t it about time?

Everything from trimming your grass to feeding the lawn, the June-to-September period is a remarkable time for landscaping, either by yourself or hiring a professional landscaping crew.

But how exactly can you take full advantage of this season?

Here are five summer landscaping tips for a beautiful lawn:

1. Only Water Grass in the Morning

A common mistake that many homeowners make is that they water their grass in the afternoon or when they get home from work in the evening. You may have the right intentions doing this, but you know what they say about good intentions…

Moving forward, when you want to make your lawn gorgeous in the summertime, when the living is easy, then you should only water your grass first thing in the morning for an hour or two. This allows the grass to consume the water throughout the day. Also, the sun won’t dry out the water.

2. Want Some Veggies? Plant Hot-Season Ones


Do you want to save some money by planting your vegetables this summer? If you do, then be careful which vegetables you’re planting. Some veggies are great for the summer, while others are not.

So, what’s some heat-loving edibles to plant and grow for the next few months? Here’s a list:

  • Eggplant
  • Okra
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Chili peppers
  • Cowpeas

You may want to plan some carrots, lettuce, and radishes, but the summer isn’t the time to do it.

3. Avoid Giving Your Lawn a Buzzcut

Some homeowners detest the thought of having to take out the lawn mower and walk back and forth to cut the grass. Therefore, they think they are saving time by giving the lawn a buzzcut. But this is the worst thing you can do for your lawn.

Ultimately, you must avoid buzzing the grass and instead leave an inch or two of some grass. So, cut high to allow your lawn to tolerate droughts, combat weeds, and enable growth. This permits your grass to get nourished, live longer, and make your home look divine.

4. Feed Your Yard Some Nutrients

Yes, giving your yard will be effective, but for some lawns it may not be enough. So, what’s the solution? That’s an easy one to answer: feed them some nutrients.

Because there might be mineral deficiencies, you should apply a soluble fertilizer with added seaweed.

Of course, there are plenty of other products that offer a wide range of added nutrients that can facilitate your landscaping needs. At the end of the summer, your grass will have never looked as green.

5. Don’t Flood Your Lawn with Water

It is crucial to feed your lawn with plenty of water. Unfortunately, another key error that property owners make is that they flood the lawn, which must be avoided because it drowns the grass.

Here is a simple but effective trick: grab a can of tuna and place it on the ground. By the time the water reaches the top of the tuna can, then shut off the water and allow the lawn to absorb it.

Once you get home from work, the water will be all gone and your lawn will appear immaculate.


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