7 Gardening Accessories For Beginners

Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies you’d see in which most of the people engage around you. Gardening gives a kind of relief that is hard to explain without getting your hands dirty. If you have a space for gardening, you’ll be needing some accessories. This is where we’ll let you know about 6 of the most basic gardening accessories you’ll need to get started:

#1. Gloves

While they are not exclusively used for gardening, a durable pair of work gloves should be in every outdoor hobbyist’s tool shed. Gloves allow you to handle soil and dirt without dirtying your fingers and can also give you the protection you will need when you want to handle plants with defense mechanisms like thorns, as seen in cacti, or skin-irritation, like poison oak or poison ivy.

Because gardening usually does not entail the same rough work as carpentry or demolition, your gardening gloves should prioritize durability while minimizing bulk. Make sure to store away from sunlight, water and bugs.

#2. A Hand Trowel

A trowel is a great multi-task tool for any gardener’s tool shed. You can use them to plant herbs, dig around the corners of your garden bed or even extricate meddlesome weeds. If you can make the purchase, it is strongly advised to invest in a stainless steel hand trowel; even if you cannot afford a full tang model (where the metal goes from top to bottom) you should at least ensure that its head is stainless steel. Having a stainless steel trowel means never having to buy another for several decades of regular use.

#3. A Spade

These one-handed shovels are great for digging spots for your plants to lay or just for redistributing dirt. When shopping for spades, look for models featuring a strong steel head but a turgid fiberglass grip. While a quality spade can be a bit pricey, its durability means that you will only need to go shopping for it once.

Fun Fact: The iconic throwing knives of Japanese ninja were modified versions of this tool.

#4. A Rake

Rakes are an essential tool when it comes to garden and yard maintenance. When debris covers large parts of the yard, it can impede the covered vegetation’s ability to grow from absorbing sunlight. Even a cheap rake can be sufficient for small yards.

#5. A Hoe

There are many types of hoe for different types of yards, you will want to research the best kind for your particular yard. For example, vegetable gardens necessitate sturdy hoes with wide heads while gardens of perennial plants call for a thin version of the tool so as not to damage the plants that have already been planted and because most of these plants need far less room to plant than vegetables.

#6. Pruning Implements

Whether you are looking to trim away some excess vegetation or eliminate troubling vegetative growth that has started to encroach upon your garden, you will want some sort of tool that specializes in cutting such things away.

#7. Wheelbarrow

A wheelbarrow is a great multi-task gardening tool. It can help you relocate soil, carry far more compost than you could with your own hands and is practically a necessity if you are the only person installing your garden. While quality wheelbarrow fetches around $80, they are worth it for how much weight they can haul.

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