7 Lead Nurturing Mistakes Realtors Often Make

Most realtors spend too much time looking for leads but very little time nurturing them. This is quite tragic since people are more likely to buy products from people who show a keen interest in them. If a client feels that he or she is just another sale to you, chances are that they will not purchase from you again.

Yet, this is the mistake that most realtors make. They spend an inordinate amount of time hunting down leads but too little time nurturing them. Below are some common lead nurturing mistakes that you should avoid.

1. Failure to Understand a Lead’s Needs

In today’s digital marketplace, most consumers expect instant gratification. They assume that you know what they want and that you can supply it instantly. One of a realtor’s challenge is to get leads both online and offline. However, you can overcome this challenge by profiling the leads’ behaviour on your website and social media networks. A number of applications exist that can track the behaviour of various leads on a number of real estate platforms.

2. Spamming Leads

This is simply annoying. Most people want to feel that your email was especially targeted to them. If you just send them a generic email that is copied to numerous other recipients, they will most likely ignore it, and perhaps even unsubscribe from your list. The solution is to send them personalized emails using real estate CRM, which is highly popular with real estate agents.

You should also avoid sending emails to everyone on your mailing list. Only send to those leads who are interested in what you are offering.

3. Calling Without Adequate Information

Calling a client who has no idea who you are will set you off on a very difficult task. Before placing that calls, put together some relevant talking points based on the client’s online behaviour and past responses. You should also call at times when the client is not busy, or when they have indicated it’s okay to call them.

4. Calling Too Many People

People are very discerning. They can tell if your phone call was rehashed, which would indicate you are most likely checking them off a database of many more. Instead, work on establishing a strong online presence and aggressively market your business. This coupled with a high ranking in the search engines and great reviews will have leads coming to you instead of you hunting them down. These are highly qualified leads that have already shown a keen interest in your products.

5. Giving up on a Lead Too Soon

There are no dead leads in real estate. Even the coldest lead can turn into a dedicated repeat customer several years after your first contact with them. You should, therefore, treat each lead as a potential customer, whether they are responsive or not. Continue emailing them and invite them to various events such as open houses. Another beautiful way of staying in touch is to send them holiday and birthday cards. Your kind gestures will likely be rewarded, sooner or later.

6. Taking too Long to Ask for a Face-to-Face Meeting

Nothing works magic more than a personal face-to-face meeting with a client. Asking to meet a potential lead shows them that you take your work seriously. It also demonstrates that you are keen to do business with them.

7. Having a Defective CRM System

Your CRM system should be optimized to quickly access a lead’s profile. If your current CRM system is not satisfactory, update it or simply get a new one. When choosing a CRM system, go for the most user-friendly and one that allows you to easily communicate with your leads.

Lead nurturing is as important, if not more important, as collecting new leads.

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