6 Ways to Keep a Lawn Green During Drought

With steadily increasing global temperatures comes drier soil, meaning that it’s become more difficult than ever for the average homeowner to maintain a green and healthy lawn. People are finding that watering their lawn every day is having less of an effect, and excessive water consumption is becoming more frowned upon.

Most people, however, don’t realise that they’re likely doing it incorrectly.  Fortunately, with a bit of planning, there are ways to keep your grass lush and beautiful while using little or no supplemental water.

1. Try to Create Shade over the Lawn

This one might be tricky, but finding a way to increase shade and decrease direct sunlight on your lawn will keep it healthy. Droughts affect bare and sunlight-exposed soil the most; the soil is warmer and water evaporates faster in these conditions. Implementing tall plants, trees or tents will add shade without being an eyesore.

2. Leave Those Lawnmower Clippings on the Ground

Most people immediately clean up their lawnmower clippings after cutting the grass, but for effective lawn care during a drought, this is a huge mistake. Grass clippings will not only help shade your lawn from the sun, but they will help maintain moisture in the soil.

3. Keep It Long: Mow Your Lawn at the Highest Setting

You should always mow your lawn for maximum health, even during a drought, but when the weather is hot and the soil is dry, make sure to change the lawnmower blades to the highest height setting. When the grass is longer, it provides more shade for the soil and allows the grass to deepen its roots. The deeper and more established the roots the grass has in the soil, the more effectively it will be able to pull energy and maintain water absorption.

4. Don’t Leave the Sprinkler Running, Conserve Water

Conversing water should be a good habit, regardless of a drought, but it is especially critical during times of hot and dry conditions. Running a sprinkler on all afternoon is not only wasteful, but ineffective. The best method is to soak the lawn with a hose in the early morning, when the water is least likely to evaporate and will be absorbed most effectively. Following this tip will not only keep your lawn green and healthy, but help in preventing droughts in the future.

5. Fertilize Regularly for Healthy Soil

Fertilizing the lawn seems like a difficult task, but it is very simple to do, and the results are highly effective. Proper soil management allows the grass roots to develop and grow, and soil is nurtured and cared for by proper fertilization.

6. Planting New Grass Over Your Current One

Certain grass types respond better to fertilization and soil management than others. If you find that your grass isn’t responding well to the above treatments, it may be prudent to consider implementing a new grass type.

Fortunately, you don’t have to tear out your old grass to sow new seeds, you can simply plant the new seeds over the existing grass. This is known as overseeding, which despite the detrimental-sounding name, is a very effective method.

The most effective types of grass during a drought are Zoysia, Bermuda, St. Augustine, Buffalo, Bahia and Fescues, as they require no fertilization or water.

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